Hey there, mama!

Yep, I started a blog. It wasn’t too long ago that I didn’t even know what “blog” meant (I know, dork alert), but after a handful of people told me I should write a column, I figured this was the 21st century thing to do. I hope you like what you find here, but if not, I don’t offend easily, so we can totally still be friends.

So, I’ve dusted off my bachelor’s degree in magazine journalism and created Moscato + Messy Buns. Why the name? Well, if you’re anything like me, you’re a busy mama who wakes up each morning, breaks out the dry shampoo, and throws your hair up with any hair tie you dig up in your bathroom drawer. Perhaps you also have a post-bedtime beverage of choice? (Can I get an AMEN?!). Mine just happens to be Moscato: the sweeter the better. We’re moms; it’s basically a requirement in the job description.

During the past four years I’ve been a mom, I’ve spent plenty of time questioning if I’m doing this whole parenting thing the right way, so it was natural to surf the web just to find out there really is no right way! So I’ve decided I’m taking this mom job as it comes and doing everything I can to create happy memories even though sometimes I fail miserably. Plus, I truly believe that it’s essential for you to remember who YOU are outside of being Mom. That woman is still in there and she’s still important. Since there’s no “swipe right” on blogs, let me share a little of my background so you can decide if we are a good match, ok? For the record, I think you’re probably a pretty cool mama if you’ve gotten this far. So I’m in if you are.

I’m originally a Midwes gal who grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. I married my high school sweetheart after reuniting, by chance, on spring break many moons ago. (A story for another time). We’ve planted roots in the beautiful Sunshine State as a family of three – soon to be four – while owning and operating three businesses and regularly visiting Mickey Mouse as crazy Disney season pass holders.

I always knew I wanted to be a mom, so when getting pregnant proved to be difficult for us, I was heartbroken. Turns out I have a hormonal imbalance called PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which means I don’t ovulate regularly, if at all. (Oh, and it also meant that I had the skin of a teenage boy — acne city.) This all meant we’d have to resort to infertility treatments which included lots of testing, poking, prodding, pills and injections galore. After two years of that nonsense, and a miscarriage, my body and mind needed a break. I was introduced to acupuncture which I heard could help, but it would take some time. Sure enough, after religiously attending appointments each week, I was noticing some changes. Within six months, I was pregnant with my son and he made me a mommy in 2014. After continuing with acupuncture since then, my body stayed in-tune and we are expecting our next little guy in just a few weeks. I’m telling you – Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years. It’s LEGIT.

Like I said before, even though moms do all the things for everyone else, I think it’s important to remember that we have to fill up our cups too. We need to plug into the stuff that makes us feel accomplished, beautiful and valuable. For me, it’s decorating and redesigning my home, the clarity that comes from a great yoga class, authentic connections with new people, or simply putting myself together in a great outfit, hair and makeup done, so I feel like I’ve still got it goin’ on.

What are those things for YOU? What inspires you? What have you always wanted to do but never thought you could? I implore you to write it all down with a real pen and paper; not on the Notes app in your phone, and see how it makes you feel. You may be pleasantly surprised or maybe even scared, but girlfriend, take a chance and choose one. One thing you’re going to commit to plugging into each week – just for you. This blogging business is brand new to me, but I’m going to give it a try because even if it reaches one person and makes her smile, it means I’ve put something out there that’s valuable and that’s worth it in my book.

Becky Bee

Becky is a full-time mama and part-time blogger in Tampa who loves a sweet glass of wine just as much as a well-placed f-bomb. If you’re looking for an authentic voice to inspire you through an unfiltered version of mom life, go stalk her website, Instagram + Facebook pages. You’ll find fun product recommendations for you and your kids, allergy-friendly recipes and relatable real-life talk.



Decide To Make Time For You


Keepin’ It Real…Simple