I’m Dreaming of a White Kitchen

Sung to the tune of “White Christmas” — obvi.

If you’ve purchased a pre-owned home, you’ve learned that what you see at the open house looks a little differently once you’ve moved in. When we first walked through our house in 2014, I LOVED the kitchen: White shaker cabinets, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, great layout. Coming from a little two-bedroom condo with a tiny early-00s kitchen (read: laminate countertops that “looked” like granite), this was the motherlode to me. However, after WORKING in that kitchen for a few years now, I’ve realized it isn’t as amazing as I originally thought. The refrigerator died on us a couple of months in, the oven door is squeaky and it buzzes for nearly an hour after it turns off. The granite countertops are nice, but black granite countertops show every. single. fingerprint. ever. No bueno for three grubby boys. The drawers bounce back open when you push them in and the pantry is T.I.N.Y. I mean, it IS functional, but I could use another shelf for more cookies, ya know? We’ve been talking about renovating the kitchen for quite awhile, but as you might know, it’s not cheap. So we’ve been saving like good grown ups do, planning to take the plunge within the next year.

Ever have a solid plan that you’re sure will come to fruition exactly the way you’ve envisioned? Yeah, me too. Type A personality all the way. Let’s just say the universe wasn’t feeling my vision. A week before I was scheduled to be induced with baby #2, we discovered a water line to the refrigerator had been slowly leaking onto our hardwood floors and through the wall into O’s room and the laundry room. Did I mention we have hardwood floors throughout and would need to replace ALL OF THEM? (Insert hormonal pregnant woman angry face). Not exactly what I wanted to deal with pending the arrival of a new baby. Now, nearly three months later and countless emails, phone calls and meetings with our insurance company, we are finally on the road to starting a major renovation in our home. I thought it would be fun to document the process and give a real perspective on how it goes down. Now let me preface this with the fact that I’m the most indecisive person ever. (Ask my designer, contractor and my husband; they’ll concur). I’ve bought and returned countless home decor pieces and mulled over big purchases for months before buying. So deciding on finishes is still a work in progress, but I’ve got a few picked out.


First off, I’ll NEVER put wood floors in a house in Florida again. I did not choose the Brazilian Cherry that was here when we moved in, but dang, what a pain in the ass to maintain. Scratches and dents errrrywhere. Not the best choice for a family with two boys and a playroom full of trucks, Legos and everything else that gets dropped on the floor. So our new floors will be luxury vinyl tile (LVT) which I’ve learned is super durable, water resistant and perfect for families with kiddos and pets. The best part is, it looks and feels like real wood! Score!

EDIT: Never say never! Upon further investigation, putting LVT down after removing hardwood would leave a significant gap under all of my door jams – um, hello janky much? Plus – LVT isn’t completely indestructible: heavy furniture can leave dents, it can tear from sharp objects and it isn’t adding any value to our home. So, I’m take back my “never” and getting engineered wood installed. It’s meant for the humid climate in Florida so it doesn’t expand and contract like solid hardwood does. Smarter choice fo sho.


This one was easy. I had our fireplace and TV area remodeled two years ago so we’ll get matching cabinets in the kitchen and laundry room since they’re in the same line of vision (see below). White shaker style with polished nickel hardware. I love the look of white cabinetry! It’s clean, light and airy. Also, if you’re like me and decorative clutter drives you bananas — like random knickknacks or plants on top of cabinets — I’d recommend getting double-decker cabinets to take up that space instead (if your ceilings are high enough). You’ll get extra storage for stuff you only use once a year without it collecting dust. We’ll add glass fronts to add little shine and light. P.S. there’s a gazillion different options for customizing your cabinets and drawers. I was overwhelmed at first, but after some help from our designer, I figured out what would function best for me; more to come on that as this project unfolds.


You guessed it: more white! Have you ever drooled over marble countertops on Pinterest or in a decorating magazine? Oh, wait, just me? As much as I love marble and it is truly beautiful, it’s not practical in a kitchen because it’s a porous, natural stone. Imagine spilling a glass of wine or spaghetti sauce on your newly installed marble counters and it stains. I. Would. DIE. If you’re a mother to young children, you’d need to fabricate a barrier, (envision your grandma’s plastic couch protector), to save those precious countertops from damage. No thanks! So, we’re going with quartz to achieve the same look as marble — white with gray veining — without the nightmarish maintenance. Some pros of quartz: It’s consistent in color and pattern which makes it easier to see what the actual product will look like instead of choosing from a row of unique slabs. It’s heat resistant, non-porous and easier to maintain because it never needs sealing. The best part…no greasy fingerprints! Woot!

That’s all I’ve got so far! Backsplash and lighting are still up in the air for both the kitchen and laundry room, and little stuff like door pulls, sinks and faucets, but I’m excited to share more with you as this project unfolds starting in August. Since we have to pack up nearly the entire house, I’ll be Marie Kondo-ing the shit out of everything: adios juicer, smoothie blender and never-been-used meat tenderizing hammer (why the hell do I have one of these?!) Bye-bye old sofa and kitchen table. If we haven’t used something in a year, it’s gone. This mama loves a good purge and now is the perfect time to do it.

Stay tuned and send some good vibes for a timely finish!

Becky Bee

Becky is a full-time mama and part-time blogger in Tampa who loves a sweet glass of wine just as much as a well-placed f-bomb. If you’re looking for an authentic voice to inspire you through an unfiltered version of mom life, go stalk her website, Instagram + Facebook pages. You’ll find fun product recommendations for you and your kids, allergy-friendly recipes and relatable real-life talk.



Postpartum Bod


Number 2