Peanuts, Tree Nuts and Eggs, Oh My!

School is back in session and if you’re anything like me, sending your kiddos back to school comes with some mixed emotions. I was hearing, “I’m so booooored!” a little more and my activity ideas and energy levels were dwindling. Not to mention, I was in the midst of packing our entire house into boxes as we were on the brink of a total renovation and moving in with the in-laws a week before school started. Stressed much?? That’s only part of it.

I bought his uniforms (with size four adjustable-waist pants for my skinny bean), Minecraft backpack and matching thermos, fork and cups. School supplies were pre-ordered and would already be on his desk for orientation – total lifesaver! So we were ready. Well, kind of. You see, O would be at school a full day now that he was going to be a big Kindergarten kid. That meant he’d be eating lunch in the cafeteria. For most moms, it isn’t even a second thought, but for me, it was giving me total anxiety. Having a kiddo who is allergic to a laundry list of foods isn’t too bad when you have control over his environment, but sending him off to eat in a room full of kids who likely have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, trail mix and Nutella, made me want to throw up.

We have our go-to’s as far as food goes, so what to pack wasn’t the problem. It was what the OTHER kids would have that made me nervous. Since finding out that he’s allergic to Earth (no, seriously, he has all the environmental allergies too), we’ve ingrained in him that he is never to share or take food from anyone except Mom and Dad. Oh, want to know what all these crazy allergies are? Get out a pen and paper…

  1. Peanuts

  2. Tree nuts (including coconut)

  3. Eggs

  4. Shellfish

  5. Red dye #40

  6. Grass

  7. Cats

  8. Dust

  9. Weeds

  10. Pollen

Like I said, he’s allergic to Earth. Now, that red dye one can’t be medically confirmed since it’s not naturally occurring, but he’s had reactions to foods containing it, so we simply steer clear of all dyes. People ask all the time, “How do you even go grocery shopping?”. If I’m honest, it was terrifying and overwhelming the first few times we went. You see, he can’t even eat something that has been produced in the same FACILITY as any of his allergens. Yea, how about them apples?! For the record, he can have apples, just not the ones cut up behind the produce counter as they have the possibility of cross-contamination.

Through the process, you learn to be somewhat of a detective. Reading labels with a fine-toothed comb has become the norm. Calling restaurants to speak with a manager or chef is an absolute requirement before trying a new spot. Some places are very accommodating. Disney is at the top of the list because they have allergy menus denoting items safe for nearly every common food allergy and a chef will always come to your table to make sure meals are prepared safely. Red Robin has a designated prep area for allergy orders. Hale Life Bakery has made cupcakes for our birthday parties and they’re divine! We are fortunate to have O in a school with teachers and peers who are very attentive to his needs. Students are required to wash hands after eating and all surfaces are always wiped down. His close friends even tell their moms not to pack peanut butter in their lunches because they like to sit next to him in the cafeteria. How thoughtful!

There are so many resources available to allergy kiddos and their parents. Recently I’ve discovered an app called Spokin: a community where you can discover recipes, food items and places that are allergy friendly. All you have to do is create a profile and you’re instantly connected to people who “get it”. Another great find is where you can find info about The Teal Pumpkin Project (among tons of other stuff) and how it is making Halloween safer for allergy kiddos.

So please, if you and your child sit down at a park bench to eat lunch, and someone’s mother asks if your sandwich has peanut butter in it, don’t get huffy and offended. She has epinephrin in her bag and never wants to use it. She’s trying to keep her baby safe. Just be honest, be understanding, and most of all, be kind.

Becky Bee

Becky is a full-time mama and part-time blogger in Tampa who loves a sweet glass of wine just as much as a well-placed f-bomb. If you’re looking for an authentic voice to inspire you through an unfiltered version of mom life, go stalk her website, Instagram + Facebook pages. You’ll find fun product recommendations for you and your kids, allergy-friendly recipes and relatable real-life talk.


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